Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Big Fall

So I went to work today and got on my new skates. I hadn't been there for even an hour and I was thinking I'm not too bad on these new skates. (I usually rollerblade but I wanted to try roller skating...I call them quads) So here I was thinking I'm not too bad on my quads and then that's when I jinxed myself. I took out an order and I don't know how it happened but I fell. I don't know really how it happened if I just rolled off the curb or just lost my balance or what. So I hit the ground. My elbow hit the curb, I landed on my butt sounds not too bad but I have no padding back there (unlike mom =D) So the top half of my rear is bruised. I was covered in soda because I hadn't given them their food yet so that meant that the food was soaked as well. I landed on ketchup packets, my changer fell off. I got the wind knocked out of me. So my back, my neck (i guess a whip lash kind of thing), my butt, and my elbow hurt. I know I bruised my elbow and my butt. =( I did get a two dollar tip out of it though. Oh and the guy in the car next to us got out of his car to make sure I was okay. How embarrassing. Seriously I just wanted to die right then and there. So that has been my wonderful middle of the week story. I hope you all get a good laugh at my expense. =D


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the time when I worked at DCT and was locking up and thought to myself "This isn't as creepy as it used to be" and then a resounding "HEY" came out of somewhere in the rafters. Never found out exactly who or what addressed me that night...

The Les N Lou Blog said...

yeah you jinxed yourself as