Friday, April 4, 2008

Not Happy

So I e-mailed the gal who was in charge of the Argyle Campus to get the details for moving our wedding there and all the details for that and I found out that we can't have it there. So we'll do our ceremony at the Denton Campus but I have no idea where we will have the reception and that also means that we won't be able to do the wedding as cheap as we wanted because now we are going to have to spend money to do a reception somewhere. I'm totally out of whack here and want to cry. =(


Anonymous said...
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Jenn said...

Hey Lulu...(and "les"ter),
Sorry to hear that, keep me posted, we are thinking about flying instead of driving. I've been meaning to ask you, how are the multivitamins working out for you? I missed mine one day and the crack came back. I did some research and supposedly it could be a vitamin b difiency. So in addition the multivitamin I am going to try a a vitamin b complex (it's all the b vitamins wrapped into one). I'll let you know how if works out. Love ya!

The Les N Lou Blog said...

the vitamins seem to be working the gas defense pills not so Those vitamin pills are freakin ridiculously big. Yea flying probably is easier than driving with the girlies.