Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I'll move

I haven't really kept up with the upcoming presidential election later on this year, but I've realized I need to start keeping up with that since I will be able to vote this year!!! =D so exciting!!! All I know though is that I'm with Charlie if Hilary Clinton becomes president I'm leaving the I am all about women making a career and a path for themselves, but I strongly believe a woman shoudn't be president. I personally don't feel like a woman is cut out for the job. Women are emotional and will base decisions on emotion instead of taking a step back looking at the situation whatever situation that might be and make a decision based on the facts. But I do need to start keeping up with the race. I know one candidate just dropped out and that's about it. I need to keep up with them what their issues are and ect. all that fun political stuff. But I am excited I get to vote in this year's election. I was about six months shy last time. dang it.


Jessica Leija said...

I encourage you to check out the link above. It asks you a series of questions on your views and at the end reveals who you are most like. I really liked this because I believe we all have preconceived ideas of what certain candidates believe, but when you strip away names you can really see who you most fall in line with.