Saturday, December 13, 2008

Rude awakening

So the other night, this past week, we had a storm go through and Les and I were in bed. I had just dosed off and all of sudden I hear this racket and I knew exactly what it was. So in our apartment we have these two windows in the living room and the second one is above the first since it's a two story loft like apartment. Well I guess Bear, our cat, wanted to look out the top window that has the living room under it. Well it didn't work out too well. He clung to the curtains but that didn't last long. Then he fell and the Christmas tree broke his fall and he broke one of my Barbie ornaments and one of the branches. lol. It's funny now, it was NOT at the time. So that is our crazy cat Christmas =D
~Les N Lou~


Jenn said...

This reminds me of our first married X-mas and our first X-mas with Rocky. Corey and I had gone out and we came home to find that Rocky had broken some of the ornaments, knocked the X-mas tree over, at the candy canes and ate the coasters off the table and then pooped out the coasters all over the floor.

Jenn said...

Sorry he ate candy canes!

The Les N Lou Blog said...

oh my goodness, oh yeah and Bear kind of riped the paper on some of the gifts wrapped and I don't think I'm going to rewrap them because then they'll be from Bear

Connie Marie said...

Funny story of your Bear, and Jenn's Rocky. lol
Sounds like married life is going good for you two.
Merry Christmas!