Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lake Murray

So Les and I decided to take a very spur of the moment camping trip when we got off of work yesterday. So we quickly packed our crap and left for Lake Murray which is about an hour away. So we take off and we are ready to go. Well right before we got onto I35 I remembered that I forgot to grab the air mattress plugs. So we turn around and head home real quick. I jump out and grab the plugs and we are off again. Well then I decided to look for the directions that I had written down, and well I couldn't find them. So I call Mom and she told me what exit to take. So it started off real well can't you tell?! lol. So we get to Gainesville and stop to eat and get some groceries for breakfast and some snacks so then we hit the road again. We get there and go to look for a campsite in the main area and it is full and everyone is basically camped on top of each other. So we decide to leave that section and go elsewhere. So we drove down further and found a place that was nice and not on top of each other. So we set up camp and then go to the store to go buy firewood. We get back and are trying to make a fire and failed at that. So we sat in our camp chairs looking at what should have been a fire. Well since Les and I are up early for work we hit the hay by about ten. Here's were it gets good. So at about 11:30 we wake up to loud roars and engine revving. We were camped next to a bunch of bikers. I nearly peed my pants. So eventually that stops and we fall back asleep. Then at about 2 we wake up to a bird cooing. I eventually fell asleep I don't know if Les did. I know he was pretty irritated with the bird. So then a little while longer the bird sounds like it is literally right outside cooing. So Les gets out of the tent and throws rocks at the trees and such to try to shut it up and well it worked as well as our fire. It eventually shut up and I tuned it out. Then at about 6:30 we were wakened once again to CROWS!!!! CAW CAW ..... CAW CAW CAW!!!!!!!!!! So we got out of bed at seven. We drove up to the bathrooms. I was tired of peeing in the woods and it was light out. We got back and packed up camp and headed out. We drove around and there really isn't much to do there if you don't have a boat or jet ski. So we waited for Tucker Tower to open at nine. While going to Tucker Tower Les saved a box turtle. Then we went to Tucker Tower. Saw that, took pictures, and headed back. We were home by about 11 I want to say. It was quite the adventure and was a fun little get a way. So that was our weekend so far!!! lol!!!


Constance said...

Camping always looks easier when you're a kid. That's becasue Mom & dad are doing all the work! Ha Ha! Welcome to being a grown up!
Love Mom

Jenn said...

No doubt, I remember when we took the Colorado trip with you guys in 2001 (2002). We had a great time but it is much more fun when your a kid and someone else blows up the air matress, sets up and tears down camp, cooks food, does dishes, etc.