Sunday, November 2, 2008

Apartment part two

So today Les and I got everything to the apartment and took it out of the boxes. I have the kitchen almost completely set up with the exception of a couple of things. I am so excited and can't wait till it's completely finished. The kitchen is almost done. Our side tables, coffee table, and rug are set up in the living room. Les put more lighting in the apartment. Yay! We got almost all of our basic grocery stuff with the exception of a couple things I forgot and cold stuff since we won't actually be in the apartment regularly till the end of the week. YAY again! Well I am really tired and need to go to bed so more details to come. be continued.....


Jenn said...

I'm so excited to see it...and you! How does it feel to be a grown up, baby girl?

Pam Hopkins said...

It was so long ago that I can't remember Uncle Mo and myself moving into our first place (a small 2 bdrm trailer)... I know you are so excited about all of this. It is the beginning of a whole new way of life. Are you still working at Sonic?

Jessica Leija said...

I can't wait to see it Lou!!!!

Andi Hawkins said...

Congratulations!! What an exciting time. Greg and I are so happy for you and Les. Be blessed on this new journey!

Connie Marie said...

Congratulations Les and Laura. I hope you are having a great honeymoon!