Thursday, April 24, 2008

Another one off the list

So yesterday I took the day off of work so Les and I could get our passports. By the time I would have gotten to work I would have had to leave about two and a half hours later so it wasn't worth it so I just took the day off. Yesterday was very productive. Since Les and I got the storage unit I had gotten some rubber maid containers and took advantage of my day off. I went through my closet and packed away all my winter clothes since it is definitely no longer winter. I packed away my costumes and civil war clothes in another container. In the last container I packed my suvineer shirts and flannel sheets and seems like there was something else in that container. Either way I cleared a bunch of space in my closet and drawers. I need two more containers but I can't get those till next month. My grocery money is out for the month. I'll need one for Sonic winter gear and such and then one for this years Christmas gifts. Then I can get the camping tent and chairs out of my closet. Once I get the gifts out I can get to the tent. I went through some of my clothes and they will be heading out to Goodwill soon. Once Les got off of work we went up to the post office and then we had the wrong birth certificate so we went to the court house to get it. Luckily he was born in Denton so it was easy to get an official birth certificate. And while we were there we were able to do our passport stuff there. So we got our passport stuff sent off so we will be getting those soon. YAY!!! One more thing off the list. It is a very nice feeling when you can cross things off your financial list. =D So now all I really have to worry about is paying Dad back, insurance coming up in June, and my regular credit card. YAY!!! Oh and I'm slowly catching up with my tithes. This is a good feeling crossing things off the list of things to pay for and people to pay back. YAY!!!! Geeze when did I become and adult. It kind of sucks in some Well that's all for now.