Friday, January 11, 2008

Fed up

So I'm fed up with crappy jobs. I do and don't like my job. I like it because I kind of am my own boss in a way. I go along my buisness without being interrupted and I can be anti-social. I also do it well and fast. They give me as many hours as possible so what am I fed up is the question. I don't like some of my managers. They treat me like a baby and like it's my first day on the job or that I don't know how to do my job which is completely WRONG! I do my job and even though my room is messy when I leave work the back isn't messy. I try and keep it as clean and clear of crap as possible. So one of my managers without a doubt gets on my last nerve everytime I wind up working with her. She always asks what I'm doing as I'm processing clothes, or panties, or putting clothes up, or moving things around....what's it look like I'm doing picking daisies. Hello...duh. I have no patients for stupid....people, questions, etc. So today I got to work and there was one box left and shipment hadn't arrived and I only had a three hour shift and then I had an oncall which means they may or may not use you depends on if you're needed. stupid in my opinion but whatever. so back to point the box was a dressy panty box and on it it said it was suppose to take four and a half hours so I figured they were using at least part of my on call. Well it took me five and a half hours to do the dressy panties. Well one of my managers had come in the back to check on us...gets on my nerves and always asking how's it's coming what do you want me to say. Well I asked her if they were going to use my the rest of my on call when I was done with the DP box, and she said probably not since Melanie was there and could finish it since it was two hours of processing and she was there for four. Well when I finished there was one box left and so I cleaned up my area and got my stuff and went to clock out and the other manager was mad and irritated with me because I wasn't staying for my whole on call, and I told her what the other manager told me and she like needed a reason to get mad at me and so told me that I shouldn't have my keys and purse and such out of my locker when I clock out and that I needed to check with her. Well what I want to know was when did this go into effect and what is up her butt. She was seriously in a foul mood and took it out on Brittany the other processor and I. So she told me I could go and that the other manager could walk me out. The other one questioned my like I was on trial. She asked if any one checked to make sure I cleaned up and logged how long it took me to the dang box and such and I do that all the time. I wind up cleaning up after everyone. She really gets on my last nerve. So they finally let me go. So long story short I deal with crap, I do hard work and don't get paid enough, I can't get full time, and I can't get benefits there. So hopefully the Lowe's job works out. The other processor applied at Lowe's We're both fed up feeling like slaves and that we aren't appriciated.
Peace out